So you are living on your own for the first time.
Now what do I do?
Or you just graduated from high school and you are so ready to fly the nest. Here are some websites to help you with the basic questions of help,
my mother is not here and I dont know what to do.
Here are some basics on finding the first apartment. Remember
when you sign a lease to take it serious or you can find yourself in court if you break it.
Apartment basics.
You may find having a roommate will help you to afford your new life of at least it will give you someone
to talk to. But it is not at all like those TV shows. It is more like trying to find a mate. You dont want someone
to move in just to find out you cant stand them so be very choosy who you pick. They
have legal rights too. Plus you dont want someone who will move out in the middle
of the night owing you money. Lots of bad things can happen. So read this website.
I am not endorsing any college or state but here is a website I am using for an example in case you decide
to go to college and love on campus.
I am throwing this in just for the fun of it. Life cant all be serious.
So now you have an apartment or dorm and you have chosen a roommate.
Here comes the hard part, how to get along with people without killing them.
Read these websites to give you some insights to what makes a person work.
You may wonder why I have so many website about how to get along with people. Look around. People are ever where you look and
very seldom do two people agree 100% of the time. We have to deal with everyone
from our bosses, love ones, people we met just going to a store or restaurant to our teachers, neighbors, or people on the
street. We can escape from them for a few hours but sooner or later you have
to interact with a person. If we didnt we would be very lonely.,1674,P1384,00.html
What should I pack for college?
rules for moving out.
Here are some important things to remember about your living
place. Unless you are buying the apartment it is not yours. It belongs to the
landlord or landlady. It is being entrusted to you. He/she wants it back in the same or better condition they rented it to you minus wear and tear. That is normal wear and tear, not excess.
No only that but they want you to clean it. That means going
inside the refrigerator and oven as well as just picking up the beer, soda cans and pizza boxes.
While cleaning remember that every now and than you have to take a toilet brush and clean out the toilet
If you break it you buy it. In other words if it breaks and
it is not under normal wear and tear you have to replace it.
You are responsible for your guests and their behaviors and actions.
Dont make the police have to come.
The best thing to do before you move is to watch the judge shows.
Since most of the matters are small claims, it will help you to understand what your rights are and what you are can
expect to pay.
It can be tough to be an adult and expected to take responsibility for your decisions and actions but that
has been where you were headed towards since the day you were born.
If you are not ready do not leave home if possible.