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Thank you, America
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Thank You, America


It has been a year since September 11 has happen.  And in the last few days, watching all the shows on TV that are paying to tribute to those individuals we lost and listening to President Bush trying to convince us to go to war with against another country has seeped into my sleeping sub-conscience.   I was dreaming about world war 11.  Bombs are bursting everywhere and the bad guys are shooting rapid firing guns trying to kill a lot of innocent people and everywhere I am running and there is no place to hide and I wonder how the people can stand all the death, the destruction, and the cold and I was scared out of my wits and shaking and than I woke up.


I was just telling my son that September 11 is a holiday whether or not it is declared as one.  But I do not want to use the word holiday because one always thinks of holidays as fun time, time to party and play.  So for a lack of a better word let us call it an unofficial holiday, a day to mourn, and one day in the next one or two decades only a few people will really understand why it is called the red, white, and blue day.   


Sure the story will be told every year about what happened on that day, and the next generation will believe it but either it will lose the original meaning or it will fade in our memories and only the political figures will remember the importance of it as once we did on Presidents Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, or VJ Day.


While you think it is tragic that we trivialize that day, please forgive us, but we cannot live that day over and over. 


It is like when you were in school and wondering why you must study history.  You believed what you were told but it happened so long ago that it doesnt seem real.   And I know it will make you feel sad that as Americans we forgot what price we paid to have a free country that one could feels so safe in.  But remember my dream at the beginning of the story.  I simply cannot live though it day after day. 


I need to feel safe.  I will be cautious but I cannot worry that at anytime I could die.  I cannot live as though an airplane will fall from the sky to kill me, or a terrorist will be on my city public transit bus ready to blow me up, or any other zillion things that can happen to me that would destroy or harm me.


I will fly the American flag, and wear red, white, and blue to say to terrorists that I am not afraid because I am not afraid.  No one is likely lurking in bushes to kill me and though the danger may be real, it does not happen very often.  If it did it would not be news. And I have enough faith in my government and God to know that on the days that bad things can happen, they are on the job watching and stopping terrorist acts before I even know about it. 


This is not sticking my head in the sand thinking, it is the truth.  I do not flinch every time a stranger walks by or someone speaking another language sits next to me.


I am not ignorant not to know that something will happen again but I also cannot relieve history day after day fearing for my life.


What I do do is to thank God, and the good American people that I am living in America where I am free and safe.


I refuse to have nightmares about this unless there is a present danger here and now and in or near my home.


Thank you America for being the best and safest country in the word.


I will not bury my head but I also will not borrow trouble.  We have been through tough times before and we got through it.  We will again get through it and come out the better country and person. 


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I wrote this piece about midnight central time, right after I woke up from my nightmare on August 13.  I am not a prophet and had no way of knowing what was taking place as I wrote it.  Later that morning, about 7:30 central time I am flipping through the channels and I came across a newsbreak.  Two cars were stopped in Florida, one running a tollbooth and not paying; the other car was with the first car and stopped.  It has been reported earlier that on September 12, that the people in the car had stopped in Georgia at a Shoneys restaurant and had a mysterious conversation about how if the Americans were mourning over 9-11 than wait until September 13, and they had enough stuff to bring it down and if they did not than someone had a contact who had more stuff they could get.  Like I said I am not a prophet and now I am glued to the TV, since it is my day off, wondering just exactly how this will end up and what it means.  You are so lucky because by the time you read this you will know how it ended.  But I am feeling two things:  One is I want to go out and hit those terrorists and yell at them to leave us alone because we are the good guys, we are right and they have some sick and twisted religion and loyalty to some stupid leaders who are so wrong, wrong, wrong.  And my other whacked out theory is they must not have any pets.  You get a real nice dog, like my sweet and silly beagle, and a real nice cat, like my so sweet and shy striped cat and you are a happy person because you give love and receive love and nothing in between matters as long as your pets are happy, safe, and healthy.  Therefore the police are really good people because they have wonderful K-9 dogs.  The police must bond with them and take great care of them and in return they will take good care of the police and if everyone had a good, sane, healthy, relationship with their animals than they would stop doing stupid things like trying to kill people.   I know this is a farfetched theory but you have to understand me.  My parents are both gone, my husband of 27 years is dead also, my oldest son is living in another state happily married and my other son is almost grown looking forward to starting his adult life.  So as much as my children love me, and they do love me, soon I will only have my two wonderful pets to come home to.  And they make me laugh, and they reduce my stress and they keep me from getting lonely.  And I still have a reason to get up in the mornings and I can not fail because they depend on me and need me so I have to stay strong for them and do the right thing so they can have a roof over their head and food in their stomach. 




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