The new year is again almost here and like most people we look back on the old year and try to guess what will happen
in the new year. Sometimes we are successful and most times we are not and have no clue what will happen next so we
turn to people who claim they can tell us. Yes, I do believe in phychics. I have been to one but also be very cautious.
The one I went to was one I found by word of mouth. She had no sign hanging out. The cost was very little.
It was only 15.00. She wrote down everything she told me. It came true. Not 50%, or 80% but 100%.
And before you say that I made it happen, there is no way I could have arrange the marriage, or the deaths, or the person
who was dishonest to my husband and me. It was not some mistic predictions and it was not earth shattering predictions
but it was things that took several years for them all to come true, exactly the way she said. I am not phychic nor
do I even advocate any of the phychics that you see in ads. I just know there are some. The one I went to do did
not say she wanted me back time and time again. I never went back to her.
If you are the kind of person to take everything serious, and to worry skip this website. Ever since the beginning
of time people have predicted the world was about to end and bad things were going to happen. It probaly will but I
don't know when, I don't know how and I sure and heck is not going to worry about the disasters. As far as I can remember
there have always been disasters of one sort or the other. If I can't do anything about it I am not going to borrow
trouble and worry.
So if you are the kind of person whose goes around yelling "the sky is falling;" skip this. But if you are like
me and am curious and take things in stride saying that could happen but you have to prove it to me first, take a peek.